Online Registration

Online Registration

1. All information provided on the Prithviraj Classes online registration form must be accurate and up-to-date.

2. By registering for Prithviraj Classes online, you agree that any personal data that you provide will be used for administrative and educational purposes only.

3. You agree to follow the rules and regulations set forth by Prithviraj Classes, including but not limited to the Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Policy, and all other relevant policies.

4. You understand that any misconduct or breach of the rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action, including possible expulsion.

5. You agree to pay all required tuition fees and other associated costs in a timely manner.

6. You understand that photographs, videos, or other recordings may be made of you while participating in Prithviraj Classes activities and you give your consent for such recordings to be used for promotional or educational purposes.

7. You understand that by submitting this form, you are entering into a binding agreement with Prithviraj Classes and agree to abide by all terms and conditions.

Fields with (*) are compulsory.

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